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Empowering Stories for Kids

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Firebird Book
Award Winner 2024

Featured Books

About The Author

Encouraging Bravery Is What We Do Best

Ethan Morris is a Firebird Book Award winning author. His books are dedicated to providing children with empowering stories that inspire them to overcome challenges. It is his endeavor to provide a variety of books, which will be perfect for your child's literary experience.


The story behind Elijah's First Day In 1st Grade


Ethan, just like Elijah, has experienced some 'firsts' in his life and understands the fear and anxiety that young children just like him will have to face.  Ethan writes to encourage all young readers that they can fearlessly face these ‘first’ experiences. Successfully overcoming them has given him the courage to face each new beginning and his books show how the main character Elijah also overcame his greatest fear on his first day.

Ethan loves to read, enjoys playing basketball, soccer, swimming, and playing the piano.  Ethan lives in New York with his parents, two siblings and four pet gold fishes.

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